Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pimples...Oh My God

One week over here and I have been boring for one week. Nobody talk to me, joke with me and do happy things with me. I have been very sad for so many days. May be due to this reason, an intruder comes into my life, pimple. I hate pimple.It makes my handsome face becomes ugly. Now, two pimples are popping out on my nose, on both left and right side. This makes me become even more sad. But I hope no more pimple will pop out in these four days. No, no, no. There must be no pimple on my face until CNY is over.

Today is fucking boring. Nobody talk to me except Alwyn, my housemate. Thank you Alwyn for sacrificing your study time to chat with me so long time. Tomorrow I will be having the Programming exam. There is nothing to read about programming. It seems like very easy. But the past-year questions tell me that it is not true. The question 4 will make me in trouble. Write a complete program using C programming language. This question worth 17 marks. I have to read the programs that i wrote during practical class to recall the methods. A bit scare about it.

Hope I can make it tomorrow. All the best^^

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